Voters.Network - advancing Australia's future
Voters.Network - advancing Australia's future
Voters.Network - advancing Australia's future is run by democracy strategist FairGO.
which helped voters achieve these goals:
Defeating the Australian ID card.
Reducing the road toll by 75%.
Exit grants for pharmacists and farmers
Substitution of generic pharmacy brands
Commercial airline smoking ban
Blocking big corporation tax cuts
Multi-million dollar bank debt write offs for borrowers
Hospital beds and operations for patients
Air conditioned classrooms for rural school
Assembly halls or covered areas for schools
Restoration of NBN satellite service
Stop closure of Hornsby & Neringah hospitals
Protecting community owned Kosciuszko ski lodges from a Head Lease takeover
50%Fair Go safe drivers license discount
Negotiating cross-border disability respite care
Govt compensation for injury
Retain postal services scheduled for closure